Molester Man 3-4

Wow, so much spaghetti in this manga. And a lot of text too, hence the slow release speed here. I didn't think, so many people would read this manga. You won't regret it. It only gets better, I promise.

Chapter 3:
Molester Man Chapter 03
Chapter 4:
Molester Man Chapter 04

If you don't feel like reading it online or if you want to have the RAWs, go to this MEGA folder.


  1. This shit is so good, you say this is from a 2ch forum, so it's a real story? I'm really enjoying this so far.

    1. Glad you like it. As with any story from 2ch, an anonymous forum, you can't really know if it's real or not. Some guy starts a thread, talks about what happened to him and you choose to believe it or not. The same was the case with Train Man. Either Molester Man is a very talented liar or it really happened or only some of it happened and stuff were added or removed.

      Here you can have a look at a summary of the original thread:

      It's in Japanese though.

  2. Mmmh I love me some fresh spaghetti. Thanks.

    lol when reading this i always laugh

  4. Guaranteed this is a tale of fiction. It doesn't take that creative of a mind when you have all day to think of it, living the life of a NEET (or whatever you call those who are shut-ins and do nothing but play on the computer). Unless the girl has some serious issues and the guy is stupid enough to mess around with a crazy. Still quite an interesting manga and pretty enjoyable. I'd hate to think what my girlfriend would say if she saw that I was reading anything with such a name lol. Thanks for the release.

    1. As I understand it, this story is based on an ongoing thread on 2ch. I assume this went on for months.

      That seems a rather elaborate fiction, especially when everyone in the forum in anonymous so you don't really get anything from it.

  5. Great manga! Thanks for translation!

  6. I think I'm liking this more than onepunch man.

  7. Oh thanks for translating this. Not only is this interesting it also caused me to read the 'train man' manga which is also great.

    The interplay between the characters is pretty amusing, certainly seems more realistic then most stuff you get from manga, or even western drama.

  8. Proof that you don't need amazing drawings to make a fun and interesting manga.

  9. THIS IS AWESOME! Real good work guys. This made my day, laughing my ass off to an actual good manga. Thanks for providing this manga.

  10. Thanks for the translations! I'm really looking forward to the next chapters. :)

  11. I love it :D Thanks!!
    Im really glad that you translate a Manga from the Mangaka who drew Onani Master Kurosawa.

  12. I love this manga. It has a lot of text to read, but I honestly think it makes it more interesting. Man I just love the molester's expression when he's trying to impress Miss understanding but she isn't impress. Molester goes "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU." Molester's reactions are my favorite part of this series. Thanks a lot for translating it.

  13. Thank you so much for bringing this to us! It's so funny. Sure, it has a lot of text to read, but that's what makes it so interesting. And I love the guy's expressions when he's at a loss for words.

  14. Thank you for translating this manga! I like it very much, just like other works from Yoko. OPM was also great! My greatest applause for getting manga translated that aren't famous but still great!
    I personally think the drawings are great even though they're sketch-like. It still shows that perspective, proportions and expressions and well done.
    Thank you one more time for this chapters! - [F]

  15. This is great and honestly whether it actually happened, is partially made up, or is completely one big made up story it is pretty darn awesome. Thanks for translating this! :D

  16. Fantastic manga. I loved OMK and was happy to see more from the same author. Thank you so much for scanlating it.


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