Molester Man Original Threads

This is probably my first post that's not about a new manga chapter I translated. Sorry for getting your hopes up. I just wanted to announce that I started working on the original Molester Man 2ch threads. You can see the translated bits when you click on the "Molester Man 2ch threads" button on the top of my blog.

As I hinted at in my last post, I'll be translating it post by post. What I meant is that I'll have the online page with my translations synchronized with the files on my computer. It's supposed to feel like an actual thread. New posts come in one by one as I'm translating it. That way, I don't have to wait until I've translated a whole thread or a whole batch of posts which makes things a lot more comfortable for me. Even if I'm extremely busy, I'll still find the time to translate a post or two. So check in every once in a while and see if there are any new posts in the threads. Have fun!

The threads had to be moved to Firebase. Here is the new URL:


  1. Can MM's comments be highlighted? It can be annoying looking for w8 all the time.

  2. Thanks a lot, man.

  3. Seriously this is awesome. I was going to ask you for this before but it felt presumptous. Thanks so much translatorfag!!

  4. >2 :VIPPER :04/11/05 19:49:03 ID:IagMgZNy
    Cry on my dick.

    >3 :VIPPER :04/11/05 19:49:03 ID:bC6ggKpj
    Beat the shit out of whoever did that to you.

    Haha every board is the same, nationality doesn't matter.

    1. 11 years later, and "Cry on my dick." is still the best thing to open with I've ever seen. It's just such an odd expression that I can't say I've ever seen used, but it works so well. I must use it someday.

  5. I thought we would read the threads later, not so soon.
    I'm glad you decided to do it now and that way, it's really more dynamic.
    You made it with the same layout too, cool.
    Thanks for your effort.

  6. Holy shit, that's really impressive.

  7. Why does MM talks in third person in the first half of >>192?

    And TranslatorFag, this is an awesome job, thank you! :)
    Can you tell us how big is the whole thread and stuff?

    1. Thanks for the hint, I fixed it. I didn't notice it was a post by Molester. I admit, it's a little confusing until Molester gets himself a tripcode and I don't want to change anything, I want the thread to look exactly the same as the original, just in English.

      The threads have 1000 replies each and there are more than 100 threads in total. It's a big project. lol

    2. Maybe at least the reply from Molester could be BOLDED so to make it a little bit different?

    3. Use find and highlight all (works in Firefox). And thanks for the translation.

  8. Boon, there are some omake with a few Japanese word, can you also translate it?

    Dont forget to Click the right down link if the image fails loading.

    Thank you.

  9. I am so gonna save it and read it when its finished xD
    Thanks a lot Boon

  10. This is a brilliant idea! Props to you for thinking of this and many thanks for all your efforts ^_^

  11. Typo in >>634: irght

    1. Maybe its intended because the source is also Typo?

    2. It was my typo. Thanks for the comment, I fixed it.

  12. So far it's better than the first chapters of the manga.

  13. So what the hell are Franklins and Benjamins mentioned in the story? I'm guessing it's some sort of localism for money, but I'm not sure.
    If that's the case, wouldn't it make more sense to translate into international english rather than a New Jersey patois or whatever.

    1. Yeah, I translated them like that because the Japanese call their paper money after the person that's depicted on it too. Of course, I could have written Higuchi and Fukuzawa instead, but I'm not a fan of T/L notes in manga. Having to read T/L notes can be annoying and pose a hindrance to fluent reading of a manga imo. But I get your point, I might go back to change it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yeah, he posted a few times after the MM threads. I haven't looked into them yet, but it's kinda what I'm really looking forward to when I'm finished translating the threads.

    2. Thanks for the effort. Looking forward to it.

  15. VIPPER
    "Oh, crap, crap, crap, what do I do now!?
    I busted an innocent person's ass and blew my load inside...
    What if it ruined his life!? Oh God and it's my fault!

    Will I be charged for rape?"

    I lol'd hard.

    Keep up the good work! :D

  16. Is the thread translation project still ongoing? I just discovered this manga today and spent the last 9 hours reading it (with occasional cigarette breaks because I couldn't bear all the spaghetti and had to go to the other room to giggle like a little girl). If you're still doing it, is there a way to stay updated with your progress through a rss feed or something?

    Man, I can't wait till you get to the part where Kansai finally shows up.

  17. Wow this is great!!! Keep up the good work Translator Fag! I can't wait for Kansai to show up to!

  18. I believe this manga will be legendary in the future (it's now a hidden gem, but it's getting there) so the original thread will of significant importance. Take your time but please don't drop it!!!

  19. I think anyone else would try to translate the threads, epic project.

  20. Is this still an ongoing project or did you decide to drop it?

    1. In case you haven't noticed, I've picked it up again and I've translated a whole thread in the last few weeks. When I put it on hold a long time ago, I was somewhere in the middle of the third thread. Now I'm somewhere in the middle of the fourth thread. I know it's slow, but you'll have to bear with me here. I got only one month left until the deadline of my diploma thesis. Sorry.

  21. Thanks for all the hard work you've put into translating this! It's great to be able to read the original 2chan threads in English. I really appreciate it!

  22. This is fucking awesome, I love those threads and you're translations are really good. Great work, man.

  23. Fantastic and ambitious work, Boon...
    It's really interesting to discover that vip board (looks like nerds are the same everywhere ^^')
    Can't wait to read the sex scene --------━(゚∀゚)━--------
    (btw did you have success with your thesis ?)

    1. Hey, there. Yes, I have finished my thesis and now I'm just a bored software engineer with a boring job.

      I'm looking forward to the threads when the VIPPERs break down and startwwwww postingwwwwww likewwwwww thiswwwww

      Thanks for reading my translations.

    2. Definitely my favorite part of finding these sorts of translated stories (really just this one and Train Man's threads) is that even though it's all in Japan and over a decade ago, the way people speak to eachother and their general attitude has stayed exactly the same. It's so cool to see that nothing really has changed between years and cultures.

  24. GJ for translating this Boon (your dedication astonished me), cant wait to see the next post :D
    btw, may i ask how long does the threads stretched? i mean we are in 7th threads and just like... chapter 5 of manga??

  25. Loving this. Thank you so much.

  26. Just discovered this project and read all the threads so far (Part 1-9) and read the manga. Kept me entertained for days. Great work translating literally thousands of posts. It must be daunting work. Good luck!

    1. I just read this and realized it was me and I wasn't logged in. I was confused that it sounded so similar to my speach patterns.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Just wondering if you're going to continue translating the threads... I'm really curious as to how they end up in the thread, it isin't up to me but, if you could translate like the last thread so we can see the latest news and how it ends would be really good.

    1. But I am translating the threads. Just added about 400 new posts. It's going pretty slow, obviously, since there are more than 100 threads and each contains 1000 posts, but don't worry, I'll get there eventually.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sobre, There is a manga that was made back in the day for this very story and it has been translated fully. It's fairly easy to find as just "Molester Man". It's quite a sweet story. Can't wait to see the actual threads.

  29. I'm getting a 404 error when checking the threads. What's up?

    1. Hey there, I assume you haven't seen my new blog post on that matter:

      The links at the top of my blog should be changed too. The new links should work. I tested it from different computers. Anyone else getting the same error?

    2. Oh okay, great. Thanks for replying! I was getting more and more worried each day that passed that I'd check my bookmark. New post's links work just fine.

      I haven't heard of the CanBadge threads, I think. I'm gonna enjoy reading it, I think.

      Thanks for your continued efforts on the Molester Threads.

  30. Hey man, just want to thank you for doing this. I've just read the manga and started reading the threads.
    Thanks for translating this awesome manga and threads to english.

  31. Im really glad for the translations! thank you very much for doing something like this. But anyway i kinda wonder if the real MM was aware that his story was already made into a manga?

  32. Thanks for translating the original thread! For the contents up to now, the thread obviously shows more details of the story and the interesting reaction of the VIPPERS, which is really enjoyable same as the cheering in a sport match XD

  33. I've been going through these threads and would just like to say what an excellent job you did in archiving the whole thing. Couldn't have made it easier for us.

  34. I have a question.

    If the first Molester Man thread started on 5 November 2004, and the story went on for more than 100 threads, and the manga also started in 2004. Does that mean that the manga started while the threads were still ongoing?

    Would that mean that Molester Man and the vippers were aware there a manga was being made as the story was still unfolding?

    Does anybody know the date of the last thread and the date of the start and end of the manga?

  35. So, the last thread was on 18th.. is it over or we're going to have another?

    I get really curious about what happened in MM's threads.

    1. No, no, it's not over. I'm not even halfway through. Sorry it's so slow, but I will finish it one day.

  36. Curious about differences between the manga and the 2ch threads, particularly the sushi restaurant scene. Is it just as off the rails as in the manga?

    1. Hey, Crab, I don't wanna spoil too much, but in general, the story and the conversations are the same, but Molester is a bit more "realistic" in the threads. What I mean is, even if he does something off the walls in the manga, it's presented as funny and random, e.g. him buying Sachiko. In the threads, he's actually a fucking weirdo. Not that it's a surprise since he's a VIPPER. Also, most of the visual anime/manga parodies like the Shigurui ones are by YOKO, unless they occur in the conversations like Vegeta's son.

      tl;dr The sushi restaurant scene is still crazy, but not Shigurui crazy.

    2. Thanks, good job on translating these threads. Love the highlighted sections that explain 2ch's slang/inside jokes.

  37. Thanks for translating this. Take your time, no rush. And take care yourself!

  38. thanks for the translations man

  39. I really enjoyed going through your translation of those threads! Thank you for making this.

  40. hey man do you know of any upadtes since the original threads?

  41. Found out about this today but really looking forward to eventually getting the ending translated. The manga plays on the threads a bit and ends a bit soon, wonder how the threads developed after the manga ending.
    Good luck with software engineering tl o7

  42. Idk if you are still working on this project but i just wanted to let you know that at least one person is still reading! Good luck on the translations on this or whatever you work on in the future!

  43. I read some rumor that Molester Man followed up on the thread years later, and that he and Kansai broke up. I know the translation here isn’t near that point, but is there any truth to that?

    1. This is obviously a spoiler, but Molester never posted under his tripcode again after that New Year's Day. There were, of course, a bunch of posts claiming to be him, but AFAIK there were no posts with that exact tripcode. Whoever started that rumor had no source to back it up, so there you go. No one knows what happened to Molester and Kansai after that.

  44. Thanks for the translation. It's the most entertaining read I've had in a long time.

  45. Hey, thanks for keeping up with this! It's so nice that you're still alive and updating the threads. Hope to see you next year, ganbatte!


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